Argentina: New export growth program

In brief

On 23 October 2023, the Executive Branch issued Necessity and Urgency Decree No. 549/2023 ("Decree"), which aims to establish until 17 November 2023 an export increase program ("Program") for all goods included in the Mercosur Common Nomenclature (NCM) as well as for services rendered abroad to enable the settlement of a portion of the foreign currency obtained from the export of goods and services through transactions commonly known as "blue chip transactions." The program is also regulated by the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina (BCRA) through Communication "A" 7867 ("Communication"), also issued on 23 October 2023.


In depth

The Decree specifically provides as follows:

  1. 70% of the export counter value of goods included under the NCM (including pre-financing and/or post-financing foreign exchange of exports from abroad or a settlement advance) and of services abroad shall be settled through the foreign exchange market (MLC), while the remaining 30% shall be applied to sale and purchase transactions with marketable securities purchased with foreign currency and sold at local currency.
  2. At the exporter's option, the result of any foreign currency settlement under the Program will be: (a) credited to a special account whose remuneration will be determined based on the evolution of the reference exchange rate of BCRA Communication "A" 3500, and may remain open without a maturity date; or (b) applied to the direct subscription of BCRA's Internal Bills with USD and payable in ARS at the Reference Exchange Rate of Communication "A" 3500 (LEDIV).

On the other hand, the Communication establishes that the obligation to settle through the MLC the counter value of the exported goods and services, as well as the advances, pre-financing and post-financing from abroad, may be considered fully complied with when made within the framework of the Program.

The Decree became effective on 23 October 2023, and the Communication on 24 October 2023.

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