Singapore: The clock is ticking!- 'Nutri-Grade' labelling requirements to kick in on 30 December 2022

Drink manufacturers have reportedly reformulated their recipes and redesigned their labels for compliance with upcoming 'Nutri-Grade' requirements.

In brief

From 30 December 2022, 'Nutri-Grade' beverages sold in Singapore in prepacked form and from automatic beverage dispensers will be subject to new labelling requirements and advertising prohibitions.

Several drink manufacturers have reportedly reformulated their recipes to cut sugar and saturated fat, and introduced the 'Nutri-Grade' labels on the packaging of their products ahead of the deadline.


Recommended actions

With the fast-approaching deadline, brands should immediately consider where their beverage products fall under the 'Nutri-Grade' grading system and begin redesigning their labels for compliance with the upcoming requirements if this has not already been done.

Brands can also consider taking steps to reformulate their beverages to fall within more desirable 'Nutri-Grade' categories. This may position the beverages and brands more favourably from a public relations perspective.

In more detail

In our previous alert, we provided an overview of the upcoming 'Nutri-Grade' labelling requirements and advertising prohibitions. These requirements and prohibitions are slated to come into operation on 30 December 2022.

It has now been reported that several drink manufacturers have reformulated their recipes to reduce the sugar and saturated fat content in their products. Such reformulation may be time-consuming and require considerable investment for research and development efforts. Considerations such as the taste, nutritional profile, sugar content, supply chain management, manufacturing assessment and consumer demand have to be taken into account.

Brands have also introduced the "Nutri-Grade" label on their products, where such products may already be found in physical retail stores.

The Health Promotion Board has emphasised that the authorities will conduct checks to ensure that brands comply with the new labelling requirements.

You may read more about the 'Nutri-Grade' labelling requirements and advertising prohibitions for beverages in prepacked form and from automatic beverage dispensers here, and the potential expansion of 'Nutri-Grade'-related measures to freshly prepared beverages here.

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