In focus
Resolution AAIP 93/2023: Program on Transparency, Document Management and Archives
With the goal of improving document management and assisting public bodies in matters related to transparency, access to public information and the protection of personal data, the Program proposes actions and instruments aimed at training and assisting jurisdictions and entities of the National Public Sector.
The Program is structured around two main areas: (i) "Document management, access to information and transparency"; and (ii) "Access to public information in historical records". The first one aims to facilitate the access to public information and improve the quality of information produced and the transparency of the obligated subjects — under Access to Public Information Law No. 27,275 ("Law") — in the exercise of their powers. The second seeks to achieve consensus to find a balance between the need to guarantee broad access to information and the due protection of that information excepted in the terms of Section 8 of the Law.
Resolution AAIP 94/2023: Strategic Plan for the period 2022-2026
The submission of the Plan had been announced by the current director of the AAIP as an invitation to strengthen and improve the quality of active transparency in the issuance and the cycle of public policies promoted by the AAIP.
The planning process involved three stages: (i) the Situational Analysis of the public issues addressed by the AAIP; (ii) the Strategic Design, which implied setting forth the objectives and strategies to achieve the intended results; and (iii) the Operationalization, which implied determining the actions, indicators and goals, as well as the terms and the responsible areas.
For the period 2022-2026, the AAIP set forth these objectives:
- Promote and strengthen the exercise of the right to the protection of personal data and access to public information.
- Expand regulatory and management powers (to seek to update and strengthen regulations on the one hand, and to improve the information management capacities of the obligated subjects on the other).
- Promote transparency in public management and citizen participation by bringing the state closer to its citizens.
- Expand and strengthen the institutional powers of the AAIP.
The Plan will be reviewed annually to assess its progress and for any eventual readjustment, if necessary.
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