Philippines: National Privacy Commission announces schedule of fees

The National Privacy Commission recently released Circular No. 2023-01, which outlines the new fee schedule for various services.

In brief

The National Privacy Commission (NPC) issued Circular No. 2023-01, entitled "Schedule of Fees and Charges of the National Privacy Commission" ("Circular"), which sets out their fee schedule for various services, including fees for the registration of Data Protection Officers (DPO) and Data Processing Systems (DPS) with the NPC.

The Circular takes effect on 8 June 2023. Services rendered or filings done prior to 8 June will not be charged with these fees.


In more detail

The following are the applicable fees for the various services covered by the Circular, such as the filing of complaints, the conduct of mediation, DPO and DPS registrations, and the issuance of advisory opinions:

Particulars Fees (in PHP)
Complaints, investigation and mediation
Filing fee PHP 500 (USD 9.10)1
Additional fees for claims of damages:  
  • Claims for damages not exceeding PHP 20,000
PHP 150 (USD 2.72)
  • Claims for damages more than PHP 20,000 and up to PHP 100,000
PHP 500 (USD 9.10)
  • For every succeeding PHP 100,000, or a fraction thereof
PHP 500 (USD 9.10)
Filing of a motion for reconsideration PHP 500 (USD 9.10)
Application for a cease-and-desist Order (CDO) PHP 1,000 (USD 18.18)
CDO bond Determined based on the number of affected data subjects, but in no case shall the amount of the bond exceed PHP 100,000 (USD 1,818.18).2
Issuance of certificate of no pending case PHP 500 (USD 9.10)
Temporary ban bond Determined based on the number of affected data subjects, but in no case shall the amount of the bond exceed PHP 50,000 (USD 909.10).3
Legal research fee 1% of the filing fee but not less than PHP 10 (USD 0.18)
Mediation fee4 PHP 500 (USD 9.10)
Fees for DPS and DPO registration
Initial registration  
  • For individuals
PHP 500 (USD 9.10)
  • For public or private organizations:
  • Multinational/national/ foreign branch
PHP 2,500 (USD 45.45)
  • Regional/provincial/ Metro Manila areas/cities
PHP 1,500 (USD 27.27)
  • Municipalities
PHP 500 (USD 9.10)
Registration renewal  
  • For individuals
PHP 350 (USD 6.36)
  • For public or private organizations:
  • Multinational/national/ foreign branch
PHP 1,000 (USD 18.18)
  • Regional/provincial/ Metro Manila areas/ cities
PHP 500 (USD 9.10)
  • Municipalities
PHP 350 (USD 6.36)
Registration of major amendments5  
  • For individuals
PHP 500 (USD 9.10)
  • Multinational/national/foreign branch
PHP 2,500 (USD 45.45)
  • Regional/provincial/Metro Manila areas/cities
PHP 1,000 (USD 18.18)
  • Municipalities
PHP 500 (USD 9.10)
Other registration fees  
Validation/authentication/certified true copy of certificate of registration (COR) PHP 100 (USD 1.82)
Recovery of inaccessible DPO accounts PHP 5,000 (USD 90.90)
Advisory opinion/legal research
Requests for advisory opinion PHP 7,500 (USD 136.36)
Legal research fee PHP 75 (USD 1.36)
Certified true copies (CTC) of any paper, record, decree, judgment, or entry thereof PHP 10 (USD 0.18) per page plus PHP 50 (USD 0.91) authentication fee per document
Request for issuances of clearances and certifications PHP 50 (USD 0.91) per document
Legal research fee for issuance of clearances and certifications 1% of the filing fee imposed but in no case lower than PHP 10 (USD 0.18).

All fees shall be collected in advance of any service to be rendered or materials to be furnished. This means that upon the filing of a complaint or other application that initiates a service to be rendered or materials to be furnished, the fees prescribed in the Schedule shall be paid in full. The NPC shall not act on any pending transaction or request unless the prescribed fee is paid in full on or before the due date.

The Circular provides that payments can be made through cash, check, or online payment. For the first two options, payment must be made during business hours to the NPC Cashier. As for online payments, if applicable, they shall be coursed through an official payment partner of the NPC. To date, however, the NPC has not provided any further information regarding the online payment option.

Recommended actions

Clients are advised to take note of the applicable fees for transactions with the NPC, such as, but not limited to, the fees for registration of their DPOs and data processing systems with the NPC. This is to avoid delays and ensure that transactions will be acted upon promptly.

Quisumbing Torres shall monitor further updates from the NPC on how the Circular will be implemented, especially as to the payment options that will be made available to the public.

1 Approximate values only, using an exchange rate of USD 1.00 = PHP 55.00.

2 The amount of the bond is computed using the following formula:

•    If the CDO is included in the complaint, the bond shall be computed using the following formula: (total amount of filing fees) x (number of affected data subjects).

•    If the CDO is filed separately, the bond shall be computed using the following formula: (total amount of filing fees) x (number of affected data subjects based on the application filed).

3 The amount of the bond shall be computed using the following formula: (total amount of filing fees) x (number of affected data subjects based on the complaint filed).

4 The mediation fee shall be shared equally among the parties applying for mediation (both complainant/s and respondent/s). The mediation fee shall cover the entire mediation process regardless of the number of scheduled mediation conferences. In case the parties re-apply for mediation after a previously terminated mediation, the parties shall again pay the mediation fee.

5 The following changes are considered major amendments: (a) change of name of personal information controller (PIC) or personal information processor (PIP); and (b) change of principal office of PIC/PIP/individual professional.

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