International: Global DR Legal Update | March 2023

In brief

Welcome to this issue of the Global DR Legal Update, our quarterly newsletter which aims to bring together the most important global developments in litigation and arbitration.

If you have any questions, or if we can assist further, please get in touch with Ben Roe.

Asia Pacific

  • Hong Kong: Hong Kong court applies Enka v. Chubb to determine governing law of arbitration agreement
  • India: Bar Council of India to allow foreign lawyers and firms to practice foreign law
  • Japan: Government of Japan adopts Bill to revise Arbitration Act
  • New Zealand: First judicial guidance on concurrent class actions in New Zealand and Australia
  • Singapore: Launch of new model clause for arbitration-related litigation
  • Timor-Leste: Timor-Leste joins New York Convention


  • Azerbaijan: Azerbaijan joins the Hague Service Convention
  • Belgium: CEPANI includes express requirement to consider D&I in new arbitration rules
  • European Union: European Commission proposes coordinated withdrawal from Energy Charter Treaty
  • Germany: Germany intends to introduce English speaking commercial courts
  • Sweden: New SCC Rules enter into force
  • Switzerland: Publication of Supplemental Swiss Rules for Corporate Law Disputes
  • United Kingdom: United Kingdom to sign Singapore Mediation Convention

The Americas

  • North America: North American Free Trade Agreement deadline expires
  • Cayman Islands: Grand Court of the Cayman Islands confirms enforceability of foreign interim awards
  • Colombia: Colombia authorizes court hearing to take place in the metaverse
  • United States: US district courts may consider "extraordinary circumstances" in attachment applications


  • International Bar Association publishes report on professional indemnity insurance 
  • ICSID cases fall to lowest figure since 2019 
  • UNCITRAL Working Group II publishes report on 77th session

Read the full publication here

Contact Information
Benjamin Roe
Lead Knowledge Lawyer - Global Disputes and Compliance at BakerMcKenzie
Read my Bio

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