United Kingdom: Sponsor Licence renewal requirement removed

In brief

The Home Office has announced that from 6 April 2024, the requirement to renew a Sponsor Licence after four years or to pay a renewal fee will be removed. This announcement is in line with the Home Office's "August 2021 Sponsorship Roadmap", which indicated the future reform of licensing renewal patterns for sponsored employment routes and the simplification of the Sponsor Migrant System. This is positive news as it reduces the burden on sponsors to maintain their licence and removes the additional financial burden.


Key Changes

  • Sponsor licences expiring on or after 6 April 2024 no longer require renewal or a renewal fee. 
  • Renewal notifications can be ignored. 
  • The Home Office has extended all licences expiring on or after 6 April 2024, by ten years. 
  • Sponsors can view the new ten-year licence expiry dates on the Sponsor Management System.
  • If a sponsor licence renewal application has been submitted, the Home Office will arrange to refund the renewal fee. 

Further details regarding these changes can be obtained by reaching out to your usual contact in our Global Immigration & Mobility team.

Contact Information
Ying Li
Senior Immigration Specialist
Wendy Mortimer
Senior Immigration Specialist at BakerMcKenzie
Natasha Riley
Senior Immigration Specialist at BakerMcKenzie
Tomoko Sasaki
Senior Immigration Specialist at BakerMcKenzie

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