1. Draft resolution establishing the specifications and standards for smart metering systems
Ministerial Resolution No. 431-2024-MINEM/DM published the draft resolution that approves the "Technical Specifications and Technological and Performance Standards for Smart Metering Systems," as well as its Explanatory Memorandum.
This resolution will apply to all electric distribution companies and to all equipment, systems and components that are part of the smart metering system.
Interested parties have until Monday, 23 December 2024 to send their comments and suggestions to the following email: prepublicaciones_dge@minem.gob.pe.
2. Draft supreme decree approving the regulation of distributed generation
Ministerial Resolution No. 439-2024-MINEM/DM published the draft "Regulation of Distributed Generation connected to Utilization Systems of Public Electricity Service Users," as well as its Statement of Reasons.
The project regulates distributed generation activities developed by public electricity service users who operate nonconventional self-consumption or cogeneration plants and have energy surpluses to inject into the SEIN distribution networks, isolated systems and rural electric systems.
To inject surplus energy into the distribution network, the distributed generator must not exceed the lesser of: (i) the power contracted with the distribution concessionaire (for users with a single connection) or the sum of the power contracted (for users with double or multiple connections); and (ii) 10 kW for single-phase low-voltage supplies, and 200 kW for three-phase low-voltage and medium-voltage supplies.
This project also regulates the procedure and requirements for connecting distributed generation plants to the distribution network. Additionally, the following economic treatment for energy surpluses is proposed:
- Sale in the short-term market through an authorized representative
- Sale to distributors or generators through supply contracts
- Compensation in electricity bills
Environmental management instruments will not apply to distributed generation projects.
Interested parties have until Wednesday, 25 December 2024 to send their comments and suggestions to the following email: prepublicaciones_dge@minem.gob.pe.
3. Draft resolution modifying the Technical Standard for the Coordination of Real-Time Operation of Interconnected Systems
Ministerial Resolution No. 444-2024-MINEM/DM published the draft resolution modifying subsection 6.2.2 of Directorial Resolution No. 014-2005-EM-DGE, the Technical Standard for the Coordination of Real-Time Operation of Interconnected Systems, as well as its Statement of Reasons.
The project removes the exemption for generation plants with nonconventional renewable sources from providing primary frequency regulation.
As a transitional measure, the bill establishes that generation plants with concession contracts for supplying renewable energy to the SEIN, resulting from OSINERGMIN auctions under Legislative Decree 1002, will not be required to provide primary frequency regulation.
Likewise, the project establishes an adaptation period of 12 months from the day following the approval of the COES technical procedures for generation plants already in commercial operation. For generation projects with a definitive generation concession contract that begin commercial operation after the effective date of this resolution, the adaptation period is six months from the date of commercial operation.
Finally, the project indicates that the resolution will become effective on the next working day following the publication of the OSINERGMIN resolution that approves or modifies the COES procedures.
Interested parties have until Friday, 20 December 2024 to send their comments and suggestions to the following email: prepublicaciones_dge@minem.gob.pe.
4. Draft regulations for the third paragraph of Article 122 of the Law on Electricity Concessions
Report No. 0402-2024-MINEM/DGE was published on the MINEM's webpage, concluding that a public consultation should be conducted on the first draft of the regulations for the third paragraph of Article 122 of the Law on Electricity Concessions.
The draft establishes the requirements and procedures for the MINEM to evaluate vertical integration assumptions that do not qualify as concentration in the administrative processes for requesting definitive concessions and authorizations.
Interested parties have until Tuesday, 10 December 2024 to send their comments and suggestions to the following email: prepublicaciones_dge@minem.gob.pe.
We hope this information is of relevance to you and your company. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any advice in this regard.
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