Singapore: Health Sciences Authority issues update on products found by overseas regulators to contain potent ingredients | July 2024

In brief

On 3 July 2024, the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) issued an update on products found and reported by overseas regulators to contain potent ingredients prohibited in such products and which may lead to side effects.


Key takeaways

  • To better protect consumers in Singapore from harmful health products that may be found overseas and online, the HSA not only conducts surveillance on health products found locally but also monitors enforcement actions overseas. The HSA then issues updates for consumers on products that may pose a threat to public health.
  • The HSA's close monitoring of noncompliant health products abroad and of overseas regulators' actions indicates that potential noncompliance in other jurisdictions may lead to knock-on risks in Singapore (e.g., negative publicity and potential perception in Singapore that the health products are adulterated). This shows that regulators may share information with each other and keep abreast of each other's actions.
  • Sellers and suppliers of health products should note that anyone who supplies adulterated health products in Singapore may face a fine of up to SGD 100,000 and/or imprisonment for up to three years.

In more detail

The HSA published a consolidated list of health products, ranging from sexual wellness to cosmetic products, which were found and reported by health regulators overseas (including regulators in Canada, Brunei and the United States) to contain potent ingredients.

The HSA also provided a brief explanation of the possible side effects of the potent ingredients found in these health products.

The HSA has advised members of the public to, amongst others, refrain from purchasing these products when abroad and to exercise caution when buying health products online or from unfamiliar sources (especially from overseas suppliers), regardless of whether they were recommended by friends or relatives. It also warned consumers to be careful of products guaranteeing quick and miraculous results or making exaggerated claims (e.g., "100% safe" or "no side effects"), as well as products that produce unexpected quick recovery from medical conditions.

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