Multiple trade mark applications filed on the same day for similar or identical marks, or in which the goods and/or services claimed are similar or identical, will now be treated by IPOS to be “companion” trade mark applications.
The applicant may submit a request for such companion applications to be assigned to the same examiner on a "best effort" basis for greater consistency. In the request, the application numbers of the companion trade mark applications must be clearly specified. Otherwise, the Registry of Trade Marks will not entertain the request.
This is a welcome initiative as applicants can expect to receive fewer office actions and less inconsistent objections being raised against their applications. This will also translate to greater cost savings in legal fees in prosecuting applications in Singapore. Applicants can look forward to a smoother and more expeditious registration of their trade mark applications filed for similar or identical marks, or in which the goods and/or services claimed are similar or identical.

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