Vietnam: Potential anti-dumping investigation on imported wood fiber board originating from China and Thailand

In brief

The Trade Remedies Authority of Vietnam (TRAV) is appraising a dossier, confirmed valid on 13 August 2024, from domestic manufacturers requesting an investigation on anti-dumping duties regarding imported wood fiber boards originating from China and Thailand. If certain conditions are satisfied, the Ministry of Industry and Trade will initiate the anti-dumping investigation. The TRAV recommends that domestic manufacturers and trading enterprises of similar products provide relevant information for the appraisal.


In more detail

On 29 July 2024, domestic manufacturers including VRG Dongwha MDF Wood JSC., Dongwha Vietnam LLC., VRG Quang Tri MDF Wood JSC., Kim Tin MDF Wood JSC., and Kim Tin MDF Dong Phu JSC. filed a petition to the TRAV requesting an investigation on anti-dumping duties regarding imported wood fiber boards originating from China and Thailand.

On 13 August 2024, the TRAV confirmed the validity and sufficiency of the dossier. Within 45 days from 13 August 2024, the TRAV will assess this dossier based on the following criteria:

  • The representative status of the submitter representing the domestic manufacturing industry
  • Evidence on whether the dumping of imported goods can significantly harm or threaten the domestic manufacturing industry

Domestic manufacturers and trading enterprises of similar products are recommended to provide the following information to the TRAV for the appraisal process:

  • Information of enterprises
  • Their opinions on the case
  • Any information and documents related to the case

The above information must be submitted before 30 August 2024.

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