Key takeaways
The key amendments introduced in Decree No. 20 include the following:
- Redetermination of a related party relationship between lenders and borrowers
- Supplementation of new cases where entities are considered related parties
- Replacement of Form 01 on related parties and related party transactions
- Retroactive deduction of previously disallowed interest expenses due to a related party relationship under Decree No. 132
In more detail
- Redetermination of a related party relationship between lenders and borrowers
Decree No. 20 introduces two key amendments to determine the existence of a related party relationship between lenders and borrowers, as follows:
- First, a related party relationship between a borrower and a lender (including guarantors) is established if the total outstanding loan balance (or guarantees) is at least 25% of the borrower's owner's equity and accounts for 50% or more of the borrower's total outstanding medium- and long-term loan balance. Under the previous regulations in Decree No. 132, it was not explicitly stated that this threshold applied to the total outstanding loan balance.
- Second, the above condition does not apply if the lender (or guarantor) is a financial institution operating under the Law on Credit Institutions and does not participate in the management, control, capital contribution or investment in the borrowing entity, or both parties are under common management, control, capital contribution or investment by a third party.
- Supplementation of new cases where entities are considered related parties
Under Decree No. 20, an independently accounted branch that declares and pays corporate income tax will be deemed to have a related party relationship if it is effectively managed, controlled or subject to decision-making by another enterprise.
Additionally, Decree No. 20 expands the scope of related party relationships to include credit institutions and their subsidiaries, controlled companies or affiliated companies, as stipulated under the Law on Credit Institutions.
- Replacement of Form 01 on related parties and related party transactions
Decree No. 20 replaces Form 01 of Decree No. 132 to provide additional guidance and update the template in light of the newly introduced cases outlined in Section 2 above.
- Retroactive deduction of previously disallowed interest expenses due to a related party relationship under Decree No. 132
Due to the redetermination of related party relationships between borrowers and lenders (including guarantors), interest expenses previously disallowed for corporate income tax purposes in tax periods of 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 will be reassessed, allocated and carried forward to subsequent tax periods in accordance with the interest expense carryforward provisions under Decree No. 132.