In more detail
The Database facilitates the search and classification of goods and services by trade mark applicants and agents for their trade mark applications.
The Database is regularly reviewed and updated by IPOS to allow it to remain relevant and useful for stakeholders. From 1 September 2023 to 30 June 2024, IPOS will accept applications from interested parties to submit descriptions of new goods and services to be added into the IPOS Database via this IPOS form. For more information about this IPOS initiative, you can refer to our previous client alerts (December 2023, January 2024, February 2024).
On 16 February 2024, IPOS published an interim report as an update on this process, listing descriptions that had been accepted for addition into the Database (see our client alert in January 2024).
In May 2024, IPOS published a further report with an updated list of descriptions that have been accepted. This list includes descriptions such as "make-up correcting pens" (Class 3), "face massagers" (Class 10), "interactive mirrors incorporating augmented reality technology for consumers to try on products virtually" (Class 9), "seasoning soya sauce [men-tsuyu]" (Class 30) and "cloud migration services" (Class 42), among other goods and services.
Key takeaways
This IPOS initiative allows brand owners to review their portfolios, brands, scope of goods and services within their business and assess whether any specification items not currently acceptable to IPOS should be submitted to ensure appropriate coverage and protection for future trade mark applications in Singapore.
This is particularly important if specification objections have been raised by IPOS that were not acceptable, and such specification items are of core importance to brand owners' operations, products and services. We encourage brand owners to consider specification items that may be of interest and make submissions to protect their rights and interests.
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For further information and to discuss what this might mean for you, or for assistance with submissions to IPOS, please get in touch with your usual Baker McKenzie contact.
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